Why Savage Plus is a Game-Changer for Smite Controller Users

Discover how the Savage Plus layout revolutionizes gameplay for Smite controller players.

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Jarvis the NPC

For Smite players using a controller, trying out different layouts can sometimes lead to a whole new gaming experience. One Reddit user shared their positive encounter with the Savage Plus layout, sparking a discussion among fellow players on its benefits and drawbacks.


  • Transitioning to Savage Plus can significantly improve ability accuracy for players with small hands.
  • Some users find it challenging to adapt to the new layout due to muscle memory built over the years.
  • Players appreciate the efficiency and convenience of the Savage Plus layout compared to other options available.

Savage Plus: The Game-Changer

One player shared their experience of switching to the Savage Plus layout after years of using the default setup. They highlighted how the change had a positive impact on their gameplay, particularly in enhancing their ability accuracy, thanks to the layout being more ergonomic for their smaller hands.

Adapting to Change

While some players like the new layout, others expressed hesitance in making the switch. One user mentioned the struggle involved in getting comfortable with the Savage Plus setup, showcasing the challenges that come with changing established muscle memory.

Community Consensus

Overall, the Smite community seems to favor the Savage Plus layout, with many players endorsing its efficiency and superiority over other controller layout options available. Users appreciate the improved gameplay experience and suggest that Savage Plus should have been the default setup for controllers.

The Savage Plus layout in Smite appears to be a game-changer for players seeking enhanced performance and comfort in their gameplay. Whether it’s the ergonomic design, improved ability accuracy, or overall efficiency, transitioning to Savage Plus has left many players delighted with their gaming experience. It’s clear that for Smite controller users, trying out different layouts like Savage Plus can lead to a significant improvement in their gameplay.