Valorant – Dealing with AFK Players and Late Starters

Dealing with AFK players in Valorant? Find out how players react to those who start rounds late in this Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Ever felt the frustration of dealing with AFK players or late starts in Valorant? Well, one Reddit user by the name of Kotocktok brings up the issue in a thread that discusses the penalties for players who start rounds late or go AFK, shedding light on the community’s sentiments.


  • Players express frustration at AFK teammates and late starters, highlighting the impact on team dynamics and game experience.
  • Some users defend late starters, citing technical issues, emergencies, or short breaks as valid reasons.
  • Others emphasize the importance of adapting to situations, focusing on personal gameplay rather than external factors.

Reactions to Late Starters

One user shared their experience of teammates starting late due to game crashes, emphasizing the need for understanding and patience in such situations. Another player discussed how their slow PC caused delays, showcasing technical challenges that some face.

Attitude and Mindset

A different perspective suggested a shift in mindset, advising players to concentrate on self-improvement and learning from each round, rather than dwelling on external disruptions.

Understanding AFK Players

Players shared stories of AFK teammates and proposed reporting as a solution, with some stating it’s a prevalent issue in the game. Additionally, instances of players returning late, causing remake votes, were highlighted.

Despite the frustrations presented in the thread, it’s evident that the Valorant community experiences a range of sentiments towards AFK players and late starters. While some advocate for understanding and patience, others emphasize personal growth and adaptability in the face of challenges, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the player base.