Uncovering the Mystery of the Classic End Screen in Deep Rock Galactic

Dive into the world of Deep Rock Galactic to uncover the mystery behind the classic end screen.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is a game set in the futuristic universe…


  • The classic end screen in Deep Rock Galactic has baffled players, causing confusion and amusement.
  • Players speculate whether it’s a bug, intentional, or a rare easter egg, adding to the game’s charm.
  • Mods seem to be a common factor in triggering this end screen glitch, prompting players to restart or disable them.

Players’ Reactions

Many players shared their experiences with the classic end screen glitch. Some found it amusing…

Mod Troubles

Mods emerged as a common theme among players encountering the end screen glitch…

The Mystery Deepens

Despite various theories, the true cause of the classic end screen in Deep Rock Galactic remains a mystery…