Why Kayn Portal in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)is Dividing the Community

The Kayn portal in TFT has caused mixed reactions. Let's dive into the heated discussion about it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are split over Kayn’s new portal encounter. Some love it, while others loathe it. Let’s explore the heated debate surrounding this divisive feature!


  • Players either find the Kayn portal exhilarating or frustrating.
  • Kayn’s encounter challenges players to rethink their strategies.
  • Some appreciate the fresh gameplay, while others feel it disrupts their preferred playstyle.

Positive Reactions

Shitty_Wingman shared how the negative reactions to Kayn’s portal faded once players experienced its thrilling gameplay firsthand. The rush and unpredictability added a new layer of excitement to the game.

Negative Sentiments

cokeman5 expressed discontent, disliking the encounter due to its impact on reroll strategies. Many players shared frustrations about the encounter disrupting their gameplay preferences.

Community Divide

Overall, Kayn’s portal in TFT has sparked a mix of excitement and frustration among players. While some enjoy the fresh challenge it brings, others feel it deviates from their preferred playstyle.

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