Destiny 2: Onslaught Farming – Is 10 Waves on Legend or 50 Waves on Normal the Way to Go?

Discover the best way to farm for gear in Destiny 2's Onslaught mode - is it 10 waves on Legend or 50 waves on Normal?

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the optimal strategy for farming gear in Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode revolves around the age-old question: 10 waves on Legend or 50 waves on Normal? Players are divided on which method is more efficient, with some advocating for quick runs and others favoring the longer grind. Let’s dive into the community discussion and see what insights we can glean.


  • Clearing 50 waves on Legend yields the most drops per time spent playing.
  • Normal mode can be boring for some players, pushing them towards shorter Legend runs.
  • Completing 20 waves on Legend is considered a good middle-ground option.
  • Team coordination and efficiency play a crucial role in determining the best farming method.

Behemothhh’s Insight

Behemothhh highlights the efficiency of farming 50 waves on Legend, stressing the importance of consistent clears to maximize drops and time invested.

Anangrypudge’s Perspective

Anangrypudge suggests that 10-wave Legend runs can be more fulfilling in terms of time spent, especially for solo players or those seeking quick rewards.

TheLehis’ Opinion

TheLehis supports the idea of tackling 20 waves on Legend, finding it to strike a balance between challenge and ease.

Doesnotlikecricket’s Take

Doesnotlikecricket delves into the rewards comparison between Legend 10 farming and regular 50 waves, emphasizing the importance of team dynamics in the decision-making process.