Destiny 2: Why People Leave Mid-Encounter Drama

Discover why Destiny 2 players rage quit mid-encounter and the struggle with add clearing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 has always been a rollercoaster of emotions, especially when it comes to raids and encounters. A recent post on DestinyTheGame sheds light on the frustration that players face when others bail out during challenging moments.


  • Players often overestimate their abilities and expect to be carried through encounters.
  • Root of Nightmares raid has shifted the LFG experience, allowing for potential ‘leeching’ behavior.
  • Former sherpas have noticed a decline in players’ willingness to learn and contribute.


>Were they expecting a carry or something ? Yes.

Players frequently join expecting to be carried through encounters, leading to frustration when met with challenge.


Most people vastly overestimate their skill and knowledge about the game, contributing to issues during encounters.


Root of Nightmares has altered the raid experience, allowing for players to be carried through encounters rather than engaging with mechanics.


Changes in player attitudes post-Root of Nightmares launch have led to a decline in willingness to learn and a surge in add clear specialists.


And by “I do adds” they mean shoot one psion then hide behind a crate and hope everything works out.