Where to Farm Remains of Batteries in Stalcraft

Farming Remains of Batteries in Stalcraft is a tedious chore. However, if you want to have a full set of purple gear, you’re just gonna have to bite the bullet…

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Ursine Warrior

Remains of Batteries in Stalcraft

Remains of Batteries in Stalcraft are mainly used in “Purple Items”, which are some of the best items the game has to offer. For example, the Saiga shotgun. One of the most beloved weapons in the game, as it performs exceptionally well against mutants.

The downside however is the fact that you’ll need a lot, and I mean a lot of Remains, if you want to unlock even a single purple item. The further you progress in the game, the more resources you’ll need for your upgrades. But, alas, such is life in the Zone.

Do you hate playing alone? After all, it’s better to explore the Zone with a battle buddy by your side. If that’s the case, then you should definitely check out the Z League app. Its LFG feature will help find you a gaming buddy in no time. 

Key Takeaways for Where to Farm Remains of Batteries in Stalcraft

  • Remains of Batteries spawn in the Fools’ Path and the Army Warehouses
  • The Fools’ Path tends to be the safer area to farm Remains of Batteries, however, because of the area’s design, it ends up being more tedious
  • Army Warehouses often experience hostile incursions. This means that, if you want to farm Remains safely, you’ll have to get in the armed to the teeth

What You’ll Need Before Heading Out

Since Remains of Batteries are found in caches, you’ll need a good metal detector to find said caches. And if you’ve progressed this far into the game, then I’m sure you’re well aware that there is no better metal detector than the Leglet.

Additionally, you’re probably going to want to grab a few Hercules’, Energy Drinks, or ATLAS’. While these aren’t strictly necessary, they’ll help you in the long run, as there are no downsides to having an increased stamina regen and carry capacity. 

The Fools’ Path tends to be pretty safe, so, you shouldn’t need any special preparation. Army Warehouses on the other hand tend to be more populated, so, if you plan on farming in the Army Warehouses, bring your best weapons and armor. You’ll definitely need them. 

Where to Get Remains of Batteries as Stalkers

Remains of Batteries Army Warehouses

If you’re playing as a Stalker, you’ll most likely be farming Remains of Batteries in the Army Warehouses. The best areas to do that are the zones located in the southeastern part of the area.

The reason they tend to be the best is because you have 3 potential spawn zones right next to each other, which makes it all the easier to rotate between them if one of the areas runs dry.

You’ll also be the safest in this in that general area, as it’s the farthest away from the Fools’ Path entrances and the Bandit side of Rostok. Either way, you’re gonna want to stock up on supplies. Even if there isn’t a Bandit incursion, mutants are a certainty.

Where to Get Remains of Batteries as Bandits

Fools' Path

If you’re playing as a Bandit, you’re most likely going to be farming in the Fools’ Path. Farming Remains of Batteries in the Fools’ Path tends to be easier, however, it’s also trickier. That phrase sounds like a contradiction but hear me out.

The reason it’s easier to farm Remains of Batteries in the Fools’ Path is that there are relatively few incursions by hostile players in this area, the only real dangers are the roaming mutants and the occasional zombie camp.

On the other hand, it’s trickier because there are no concentrated spawn zones as in the Army Warehouses. The Fools’ Path is a horizontal area, with spawn zones dotted along its surface. This means that you’ll have to run from one end of the map to the other just to pick up signals.