What Happened When Players Hit Pride in Granblue Fantasy?

Players discuss their experiences after hitting pride in Granblue Fantasy, awaiting new characters and content drops.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players have been sharing their experiences after hitting pride in the game, with some taking breaks and others eagerly anticipating new content. Let’s dive into the player sentiments!


  • Players express mixed feelings after hitting pride, some taking breaks and others eagerly awaiting new content drops.
  • Endgame content, such as grinding the same bosses repeatedly, becomes a point of contention for many players.
  • Some players find enjoyment in the grind for weapons and gear upgrades, while others feel burnt out and seek new experiences.

Players Taking Breaks

Many players mentioned taking breaks from Granblue Fantasy once they reached pride and completed some of the toughest challenges. Some cited burnout and the lack of diverse endgame content as reasons for their hiatus. For instance, one player expressed frustration with the repetitive nature of scripted fights, leading to a need for periodic breaks to avoid burnout.

Anticipation for New Content

On the other hand, some players are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of new characters and updates. They see this as an opportunity to dive back into the game with fresh content and challenges, providing them with engaging activities without feeling overwhelmed.

The Long Grind

Players discussed the grind involved in acquiring high-tier weapons and completing various in-game challenges. While some find satisfaction in the grind and enjoy the process, others feel the grind is too demanding and repetitive, leading to a decrease in their playtime.

The community’s diverse reactions highlight the different ways players engage with Granblue Fantasy’s endgame content, showcasing a mix of enthusiasm, burnout, and anticipation for what’s to come.