Destiny 2: Troubles Ahead with -20 Pantheon as the Community Rages

The Destiny 2 community is gearing up for chaos with the looming -20 Pantheon difficulty, stirring anticipation and concern.

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Jarvis the NPC

This week’s subreddit post on Destiny 2 discusses the upcoming -20 Pantheon challenge. The community is abuzz with excitement and worry over the impending difficulty spike, signaling a significant shift in gameplay dynamics.


  • The -20 Pantheon challenge presents a formidable obstacle for players, requiring seasoned teams and meticulous preparation.
  • Community members stress the importance of finding a reliable team with matching skill levels to tackle the daunting encounter.
  • Participants emphasize the need for strategy and skill improvement to succeed in the Pantheon raid, discouraging reliance on luck or carry services.

Hawkmoona_Matata’s Take

One Reddit user likens the current -5 Pantheon chaos to a riot, reflecting on the escalating challenges facing players and the need for cohesive teamwork to overcome them effectively.

Y0EY’s Prediction

Another user expresses anticipation for the upcoming Riven Legit encounter, foreseeing its potential to impact the Destiny community significantly, hinting at the chaos that may ensue.

AsunaTokisaki’s Insights

Amidst the discussions, a user notes the frenzy in LFG Discord servers due to the current Pantheon version and anticipates even rougher times ahead, highlighting the challenges awaiting players in the coming weeks.

teaganprof’s Observation

A user humorously compares the subreddit posts to insights on achieving success on Tinder, adding a lighthearted perspective to the intense discussions surrounding raid strategies and team compositions.

Players are gearing up for the ultimate challenge in Destiny 2′s -20 Pantheon, with excitement and apprehension fueling discussions across the subreddit. As seasoned teams prepare to face the formidable obstacles ahead, the community braces for a tumultuous journey filled with highs and lows. The call for strategic planning, skill development, and teamwork echoes through the posts and comments, emphasizing the need for unity and collaboration to conquer the upcoming trials. As players delve deeper into the intricacies of the Pantheon raid, the evolving landscape of Destiny 2 promises gripping encounters and thrilling victories, marking a new chapter in the game’s ever-evolving saga.