Unraveling the Mystery: Why Fortnite Players Debate Korra’s Glider

Discover the heated debate on Reddit about Korra's glider and Aang's ownership. Who really deserves the iconic glider?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are up in arms over a seemingly innocent question: why is it called Korra’s glider when Aang used it first? Dive into the heated discussion to uncover the truth behind the iconic glider.


  • Debate centers around whether the glider rightfully belongs to Korra or Aang
  • Players argue over the significance of ownership and inheritance
  • Some believe the visual differences make it distinctively Korra’s

Players’ Perspectives

One player pointed out, “Its not Aang’s glider since it has no free peanuts dispenser.” Another defended Korra with, “She has her own glider.” The debate escalates as each fan passionately defends their favorite character’s claim.

Aang vs. Korra

The contention continues as users argue over the glider’s design, with one user stating, “Because that technically is Korra’s glider. Aang’s looks different and comes with a snack compartment.” Others delve into the lore, attempting to settle the dispute once and for all.

The Inheritance Debate

Some fans argue that inheritance plays a key role in ownership, while others insist on the original owner’s rights. The discussion showcases the community’s passion for the game’s lore and characters, making for an engaging debate.

Fortnite players are a dedicated group, fiercely defending their favorite characters and story elements. The debate over Korra’s glider vs. Aang’s ownership highlights the community’s investment in the game’s lore and history.