Top 13 Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Picks Chosen by Redditors – Play Like a Pro!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players shared their favorite team setups and units on Reddit, stirring up excitement and memories!


  • Players reminisce fondly about unique and powerful units, like ‘Clapio’ Galio.
  • Newer sets introduce beloved choices like Spirit Bomb Ahri.
  • Strategies like Yordles and Imperials evoke joy and nostalgia.

Galio the Clap Master

No_Material3194 adored Galio with an AD build, affectionately dubbing him ‘Clapio.’

Ramping Spells with Renata

Luuksen found thrill in watching 4-cost Renata stack the DOT via her powerful spells.

Space Pirate Darius and More

Fullback98’s heart belonged to Space Pirate Darius while appreciating ‘Clapio.’

Imperial Domination

LuciusVorenus reveled in the power of Imperial Samira and Sion’s destructive capabilities.

Playful Yordles

PanJhinAttack expressed affection for the mischievous Yordle units, finding them irresistibly charming.

Dusk Keeper Riven Stands Strong

theflyingvs highlighted the dominance of Dusk Keeper chosen Riven in battles.

Sets of Memories

ginisabunny hailed the ninja/elementalist build from Set 1 as the path to Plat rank glory.

The Deathly Mordekaiser

TerritorialWombat found thrill in 4-cost Mordekaiser decimating foes with his death realm effect.

Noxus Swain’s Rule

cafp89 mourned the absence of Noxus Swain, missing the days of commanding the Emperor in battle.

The Unlikely Hero – Ezreal

CyCyclops recalled the surprise and success of the Set 8.5 Ezreal carry hero augment in competitive play.

The Spirit Bomb Ahri

Thetryhard93 cherished the devastating spirit bomb Ahri from Season 4, a formidable force on the battlefield.

Luxury with Lux

Jamical1 found joy in powering up Redeemed Lux/Vel’Koz or the fast 9 Heimerdinger carry strategy in Set 5.

The Jax Show

AtWorkJZ enjoyed success with the Ironclad Skirmisher Jax comp, reveling in Jax’s dazzling performance.

Categories TFT