Enshrouded: Is the Gameplay Too Easy for Skilled Players in Enshrouded?

Are skilled players finding Enshrouded too easy? Dive into their discussions and opinions on gameplay challenges!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are debating the game’s level of difficulty for seasoned gamers. Some feel the combat is too simple to master, while others appreciate the exploration aspect.


  • Enshrouded’s combat system lacks the depth and challenge present in Souls-like games.
  • Players suggest self-imposed challenges like using weaker weapons to enhance gameplay.
  • The game’s focus on exploration and crafting appeals to some despite the combat shortcomings.

Skilled Players’ Frustrations

Some players, accustomed to challenging combat mechanics from games like Dark Souls and Mordhau, find Enshrouded’s gameplay too simplistic. They express disappointment in the lack of difficulty and intricate combat patterns, which they believe are crucial for a rewarding gaming experience.

Alternative Perspectives

On the other hand, some players appreciate Enshrouded’s emphasis on exploration and crafting. They find solace in the immersive world and enjoy the freedom to engage with the game in a more relaxed manner, focusing on uncovering hidden gems and crafting unique items.

Suggestions for Improvement

Players suggest that the developers introduce more challenging combat strategies without relying solely on punishing difficulty spikes. They propose incorporating instance-style raids that require teamwork, healing, and tanking mechanics to create a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience for all types of players.