The Ultimate Guide to Dominate URF Mode in League of Legends

Discover the top URF champions wreaking havoc and causing chaos in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are voicing their frustrations and victories in URF mode, seeking the most powerful champions to dominate the game. Discover the pulse of the community as they share their thoughts on the brokenness of certain champions in this chaotic game mode.


  • Players are divided on the dominance of champions in URF mode, with some finding tanks oppressive and others enjoying the variety.
  • Kayle, Maokai, Janna, and Sivir are highlighted as top contenders for wreaking havoc in URF games.
  • Community members express dissatisfaction with the current tank meta, longing for changes or additional bans in URF mode.

Kayle Reigns Supreme

In the uproar of champion discussions, Kayle emerges as a prominent choice due to her overwhelming power and impact on the game. Players acknowledge her strength and suggest either picking or banning her to secure victory.

The Tank Conundrum

While tanks like Maokai are praised for their durability and crowd control abilities in URF, some players find them frustratingly overpowered. The prevalence of tank champions raises concerns about game balance and enjoyment.

Desires for Change

Amidst the chaos of URF battles, players express a desire for a shift in the current meta. Many are fatigued by the tank dominance and advocate for more bans or a return to Draft URF to enhance gameplay variety and enjoyment.

The URF mode in League of Legends continues to provoke excitement and debate among players, showcasing a diverse range of opinions on champion strength and game balance. Whether reveling in the power of top picks or yearning for meta adjustments, the community remains animated and engaged in the ever-evolving world of URF battles.