Destiny 2: Are Titans Really That Bad Now?

Are Titans in Destiny 2 facing a rough patch? Let's dive into the subreddit chatter to find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 enthusiasts are buzzing about the current state of Titans in the game. With recent changes and updates, players are questioning if Titans are struggling or holding their ground as formidable warriors. Many are weighing in on the strengths and weaknesses of Titan classes compared to other subclasses.


  • Titans have a mix of powerful and underwhelming subclasses.
  • Some Titan builds excel in specific activities, while others fall short.
  • Titans are considered strong in certain scenarios but may lack versatility compared to other classes.

Celebrating the Peak Titans

CMDR_Soup highlights the exceptional peak performance of specific Titan builds, emphasizing the strength of well-crafted loadouts for boss damage and crowd control. However, the lackluster performance of some subclasses raises concerns about overall class balance.

The Average Titans Galore

Dark1859 acknowledges the varied potential of Titan subclasses, depicting a range from mediocre to outstanding performance based on specific builds and playstyles. The balance between supers’ effectiveness and build optimization remains a key factor in Titan’s overall performance.

Strand or Struggle?

Foggyzebra outlines the strengths and weaknesses of Titan classes, noting the linear progression of Titan builds compared to the greater flexibility of Warlock and Hunter subclasses. The analysis highlights the importance of finding synergy between abilities and exotic gear to maximize Titan effectiveness.

The discussion surrounding Titans in Destiny 2 reveals a diverse range of opinions on the class’s current standing. While some players praise the potency of specific Titan builds and subclasses, others highlight areas where Titans may lag behind in versatility or excitement. As Destiny 2 continues to evolve, players will undoubtedly seek the optimal balance between power and playstyle across all classes and subclasses.