The Best Rotations on World’s Edge in Apex Legends

World’s Edge is one of the most beloved maps in Apex Legends, so It’s high time that we discuss the best rotations on World’s Edge.

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Ursine Warrior

Key Takeaways For The Best Rotations on World’s Edge

  • The South of the map is the most lucrative part most of the time
  • There’s a lot of open ground to cover, so have a Pathfinder of Valkyrie on hand
  • Avoid Fragment if you want to stay in the game for longer
  • World’s Edge is probably the most popular map in the game right now

As always, what the best rotations on World’s Edge end up being is up for the RNG of the game to decide; we as humble mortals must simply go along with it. So, what are the best approaches to rotating on World’s Edge? It isn’t the smallest of maps, and there’s a lot of open ground to cover, unlike Broken Moon which is almost entirely cliffs and high walls. 

Because of this map’s design, you’re going to have to navigate and traverse the map quickly without getting bogged down in one place. Oh, and be sure to avoid Fragment, or you’re gonna have a bad time.

Looking for teammates to rotate through World’s Edge with? Check out the LFG feature on the Z League app. Because, after all, who likes playing alone?

Apex Legends: World’s Edge Map Layout

Before we proceed, let’s take a look at what the map looks like post season 10.

Rotations on World's Edge
Image via Liquipedia Screenshot

World’s Edge is probably the most reworked map in the game, but considering it’s been around since season 3, that’s entirely understandable. 

In the North, you have the Trials, Skyhook, Survey Camp, The Epicenter, and the Climatizer. And in the middle of the map, you have the Lava Fissure, Countdown, Landslide, Staging, the Harvester, Fragment West, Fragment East, The Geyser, and Overlook. While in the South, you have Therman Station, The Tree, Lava Siphon, Launch Site, The Dome, and Lava City. That’s quite a lot of ground to cover so it’s a good idea to have either a Valkyrie or a Pathfinder in your team, now let’s take a look at some prudent approaches.

Rotations in the South of World’s Edge

Rotations on World's Edge South
Image via Liquipedia Screenshot

The first route will have you land at Launch Site before moving on to The Tree. After you’ve cleared those, head to the Lava Siphon and finish at The Harvester if the ring allows it. For the alternative route, you want to drop at Big Maude, and after clearing that head on over to Lava City and the Dome. The ring should be hot on your tails at that point, so use a balloon or have a Valkyrie on hand to jump to the Lava Siphon real quick before you move on to the Harvester. Personally, I always prefer the alternative route… but so do others, so Big Maude usually ends up being a nasty slaughter. 

Rotations in the East of World’s Edge

Rotations on World's Edge East
Image via Liquipedia Screenshot

The East is pretty wack as far as possible rotations are concerned, but two routes stand out. For the first route, you’re going to want to drop at Big Maude again, but instead of heading toward Lava City, you’ll be heading toward The Geyser. After The Geyser is cleared, head on over to the Overlook and clear it out. If the ring is kind, you should end up in Fragment.

The alternative route has you drop at Overlook. After Overlook, head on down to Fragment and clear out any stragglers. Following that, go to the Harvester and end at Lava Siphon. Both routes are a bit arduous as there’s a lot of open ground to cover, so have a recon like Crypto on hand for the extra pair of eyes. 

Rotations in the North of World’s Edge

Rotations on World's Edge North
Image via Liquipedia Screenshot

The North is a pretty nice area to drop in as it has a lot of areas that you can cover, here are some good runs though. Start at Climatizer and head on over to Survey Camp. After it’s cleared, climb the Epicenter and end up in Fragment. If you’re still alive by that point, head to Countdown or wherever the ring allows you.

Alternatively, you can drop at Skyhook and head to Trials to clear it out. Following that, head to Countdown before moving on to Staging. The alternative route is arguably safer and a bit more rewarding since you don’t have to pass through Fragment.

Rotations in the West of World’s Edge

Rotations on World's Edge West
Image via Liquipedia Screenshot

The West is a bit compact and convoluted, but there are two routes that are pretty lucrative most of the time. Start at The Tree and head on over to Thermal Station. After clearing those, move on to Harvester and finish the run at Staging.

For the alternative run, start at Countdown and move on to Landslide. After Landslide, go to Staging and clear it before moving on to Harvester. After this, follow the ring and where it tells you to go, but, ideally, you want to end up at the Thermal Station.