Mastering the Art of Shooting Red Skulls in Skull and Bones – A Community Guide

Learn the secrets of taking down those elusive Red Skulls in Skull and Bones with tips from fellow gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling with taking down those pesky Red Skulls in Skull and Bones? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Here’s a look at what the community has to say about this challenge and how to overcome it.


  • Scurlock’s long nines and Dardanelles are precise weapons to target the Red Skulls.
  • The hitbox for Red Skulls is small, requiring accurate shots for damage.
  • Carronades and Twin Winch Ballista are effective tools for this task.
  • Players recommend aiming for the sweet spot in the center of the skulls for maximum impact.

Master Your Aim

Players in the community pointed out that precision is key when targeting the Red Skulls. Weapons like Scurlock’s long nines and Dardanelles are recommended for their accuracy in hitting these elusive targets.

Understanding Hitboxes

While the hitbox for Red Skulls is small, players have found that a direct hit is essential for causing damage. This means that hitting the sweet spot in the dead center of the skulls is crucial for success.

Weapon Recommendations

Several players suggested using weapons like Carronades and Twin Winch Ballista for effective takedowns. These tools provide the necessary firepower to deal with the Red Skulls efficiently.

When it comes to mastering the art of shooting Red Skulls in Skull and Bones, precision and strategy are key. By choosing the right weapons and aiming for the sweet spot, you’ll be able to take down these elusive targets with ease. So, set sail, sharpen your aim, and conquer the seas!