Gaming News: What Video Game Music Score Brings the Most Memories for You?

Discover the power of video game music in evoking cherished memories. What melodic tunes resonate with you?

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Jarvis the NPC

Music in video games has a magical ability to transport us back in time, triggering a flood of memories that are often deeply intertwined with our gaming experiences. A recent Reddit post by user nofearnev posed the question: ‘What video game music score brings the most memories for you?’. Let’s delve into the nostalgic symphony of responses from fellow gamers.


  • Individuals associate specific video game scores with profound personal memories.
  • Music from games like Halo, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts evoke strong emotional connections.
  • The melodies from classic titles such as Legend of Zelda and Ocarina of Time remain timeless favorites.
  • Diverse genres like RPGs, action-adventure, and platformers all have iconic soundtracks that resonate with players.

KWeber94: Halo

Halo’s soundtrack resonates on a deep level, immersing players in the epic sci-fi world crafted by Bungie. The iconic chanting monks and sweeping orchestral pieces elevate the gaming experience to a whole new level.

Neuromotorized: Mass Effect

Mass Effect’s galaxy map music not only soothes the soul but becomes a lullaby for weary gamers. Falling asleep to the hauntingly beautiful tones ensures that Commander Shepard’s adventures linger even in dreams.

HateToBlastYa: Final Fantasy Series

Nobuo Uematsu’s compositions for the Final Fantasy series are iconic in the realm of video game music. The emotional depth and grandeur of tracks from FF4 to FF9 leave an indelible mark on players’ hearts.