Gaming News: Examples of Forward-Thinking Game Design That Never Became Standard

Discover how innovative game mechanics like environmental destruction and realistic destructible parts shaped the future of gaming in this insightful Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit post explores forward-thinking game design and mechanics that never became standard despite being groundbreaking.


  • Imagining innovative game mechanics that could have revolutionized genres.
  • Examples include environmental destruction and realistic destructible parts in games.
  • Potential game-changing mechanics that never saw widespread adoption in the industry.

Bushido Blade

One user sees Bushido Blade as a lost future of fighting game design, exploring a unique approach to combat that never gained traction due to its departure from traditional fighting game elements.

Red Faction

Another user praises Red Faction for its groundbreaking environmental destruction mechanic, expressing disappointment that this innovation was not further explored in the gaming industry.

Char’s Counterattack

A user highlights the unique destructible parts feature in the Japanese mech game, emphasizing how such intricate mechanics could have enhanced the immersion of piloting a mech.