How to Itemize as an Enchanter in League of Legends

Enchanters itemization is simple in terms of stats, but choosing the correct passive or active may be much more complicated.

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Aos Síth

Enchanters are casters that use spells to empower or protect their allies. They usually scale decently well with AP which pairs well with bonus shielding/healing. They also usually want to continuously be able to cast their spells, making bonus mana regen and flat mana strong. 

They typically stand as far back as possible or have shields, meaning they aren’t required to build defensive stats as an increased shield and heal strength also increases their effective health. They in a way use mana to increase their teams and their own effective health.

Takeaways on how to Itemize as an Enchanter:

  • Enchanters tend to stay out of harm’s way and empower and heal their allies
  • Enchanters’ stats are AP, bonus shielding and healing, ability haste, and mana
  • The most important itemization is the passives or actives and how they aid the team
  • Enchanters can build some items from Tanks and Mages

Are you an Enchanter looking for an AD Carry to duo with? Try looking for one in the Z League app.

What are Enchanters Looking for in Items?

As far as stats, it’s relatively simple, AP and bonus shield/healing, ability haste, and some mana. What is more important in terms of builds is looking for passives and actives in further ways to aid their team. These are typical of Enchanter items, but they exist on some Tank items, these have very impactful actives/passives like cleanse, team-wide move speed, additional heals etc.

So a large part of Enchanter build order comes down to what your team needs directly as opposed to what stats the Enchanter wants.

  • Do they need to engage/disengage, cleanse, more healing/shields?
  • Who will I mainly be empowering and who is strong?
  • Do you need to mainly heal certain targets or do you need team-wide healing?
  • What are the big threats to the team and how to prevent them from being played out?
  • Do the opponents have strong pick CC? 

While Enchanters don’t have that many options, they are certainly impactful. Correct itemization is tricky since you need to know what your team needs and how the teamfight most likely will play out and what the threats are. 

Enchanter Itemization

All Enchanter items have mana regeneration, AP, and ability haste and they are usually pretty gold effective. So it is rare for Enchanters to build items from other classes.

An exception is supportive Tank items like Radiant Virtue, Evenshroud, and Locket of the Iron Solari. Even though these don’t have any of the stats that Enchanters want, their actives/passives can be powerful enough to warrant a buy in certain situations, which shows how little stats are valued relative to other classes. But this also depends on which Enchanter you are playing.

Enchanters can also tap into Mage items if they scale very well with AP and can consistently do safe damage. Rylais can also be a useful item for an Enchanter. Building more like a Mage also makes more sense if your team is low on AP damage.

For the main options it comes down to, if the team is lacking engage or needs extra peel, you want to build Shurelya’s. Items like Moonstone, Staff of Flowing Waters, and Ardent Censer all aid in healing and empowering certain targets. Teamwide healing scales well with these items if the character has AoE heals, otherwise you may need to build items like Radiant Virtue, Locket, or Redemption. You could also build Knight’s Vow to help your carries survive longer.

Against consistent CC and pick, Mikel’s Crucible is very strong and can nullify the strengths of certain champions. Imperial Mandate, Zeke’s Convergence, Staff of Flowing Water, Ardent Censer, Evenshroud, and Redemption can also aid in your team’s damage output. Certain Enchanters can also be good candidates to apply Grievous Wounds with Chemtech Purifier as most carriers don’t want to build Grievous Wounds items.

It is rare for Enchanters to get a lot of items, but some of them have very strong synergies, like bonus healing/shield or healing empowerment together with teamwide healing items or Redemption + Chemtech Purifier.

Knowing exactly what your team needs may be tricky, but you can easily get a feel for it if you look for what your win conditions are and their threats. If your ADC needs to survive in a team fight, how do you aid in that? What are the primary threats for them in a team fight based on the two team compositions?