Granblue Fantasy: Are GBF Fes Concerts and Relink Using the Same Models?

Discover if Granblue Fantasy fes concerts and Relink share models as fans speculate on potential crossovers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are buzzing about the possible connection between the in-game models used in fes concerts and the upcoming Relink game. The speculation is rife on Reddit with users trying to decipher the implications of this discovery. Could this mean future content or characters making appearances in different forms? Let’s dive into the discussion below!


  • Users speculate on shared character models between GBF fes concerts and Relink.
  • Potential for crossover content sparks excitement among fans.
  • The texture style and design similarities raise questions about future game elements.

Merphee on Model Adaptation

Merphee highlights the advantages of using 3D models over pixel sprites, emphasizing the convenience and flexibility in reusing character rigs across different platforms. This theory aligns with the shared model hypothesis, suggesting a smart approach by the developers.

Kelror13’s Character Speculation

Kelror13 raises an intriguing possibility of characters like Beatrix, Vikala, Nier, and Yuisis potentially appearing in Relink due to shared models. The potential for character crossovers adds another layer of excitement for the fanbase, indicating a promising future for the game.

TheSpartyn’s Franchise Comparison

TheSpartyn draws attention to the variety of 3D model adaptations within the Granblue Fantasy franchise itself, citing Versus as an example of a different style compared to Relink and the live concerts. This comparison showcases the developer’s versatility in creating diverse visual experiences within the same universe.

As Granblue Fantasy fans analyze the connections between fes concerts and Relink models, the possibilities of crossover content and shared resources fuel speculation and enthusiasm within the community. Whether this leads to new character introductions or thematic integrations remains to be seen, but the discussions reflect the fans’ excitement for the game’s evolving landscape.