Smite: Should They Bring Back Smite 1 Build/Item System?

Should Smite bring back the old build/item system or stick with the current one? Reddit users weigh in on the debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the sentiment surrounding Smite’s build/item systems, fans on Reddit discuss whether they prefer the old Smite 1 system or the current component system.


  • Players are split on whether they prefer the simplicity of Smite 1’s system or the complexity of the current component system.
  • Some enjoy the flexibility of building any item on any god, while others find the layout confusing and chaotic.
  • The new system offers pros like easier item learning but also brings challenges like navigating the shop efficiently.

Reasonable-Sea9095’s Query

Reasonable-Sea9095 kicks off the discussion by expressing his preference for any god building any item but not being a big fan of components.

Insrt_Nm’s Insight

Insrt_Nm appreciates Smite 1’s system but notes the current system makes it harder to buy the wrong item, providing a unique advantage.

punkdecay’s Opinion

punkdecay likes how the items work but wishes the store was more simplified akin to Smite 1.