Suicide Squad: Speculations of No More Updates in 2025

Players speculate the end of updates for the game in 2025 due to declining player count. What will happen to the DLC characters and Brainiac storyline?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gamers are buzzing with speculation about the game’s future updates. A post on the subreddit hinted at a potential halt in content creation for the title. The community is divided over the validity of these rumors.


  • Players fear the game might not receive any more updates in 2025 due to dwindling player numbers.
  • Rumors suggest the end of support could coincide with the completion of the Brainiac storyline.
  • Speculation abounds regarding the game’s future, with some believing in a swift end to updates.

Players’ Perspectives

Many players expressed concern over the potential lack of updates, citing the game’s declining player count as a key factor. Some users were resigned to the idea, while others remained hopeful for continued support.

Rumors and Reactions

The leak suggesting a premature end to updates sparked mixed reactions among the community. Some found the news expected, while others viewed it as a disappointment.

Warner Brothers’ Strategy

Players contemplated Warner Brothers’ business decisions and speculated on the company’s shift towards mobile games, hinting at a possible reason for the rumored end of updates.

Suicide Squad fans are left pondering the fate of their beloved game—will 2025 mark the end of new content, or is there still hope for future updates?