Genshin Impact: Vishap Challenge – 220 Vishaps Defeated

Join the epic battle as Reddit users share their thoughts on conquering 220 Vishaps in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players take on the Vishap Challenge, showcasing their mastery in defeating 220 Vishaps. Dive into the subreddit discussion to see how they conquered this epic feat.


  • Players showcase peak gameplay with C6 Neuvilette.
  • Spin to win strategies dominate the challenge.
  • Debates arise on the use of specific characters for maximum efficiency.

Positive Vibes

Genshin Impact fans are ecstatic about conquering the Vishap Challenge, expressing their awe at the peak gameplay displayed by fellow players.

Negative Sentiments

Some users question the integrity of gameplay tactics and call for a challenge without macros for a true test of skill.

Character Debate

Debates brew over characters like Neuvilette, with some praising her effectiveness while others criticize her use in the challenge.