League of Legends: Selfmade to Join Arabian League Team Twisted Minds

Find out why League of Legends fans are split on Selfmade joining the Arabian League team Twisted Minds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Selfmade, once a top jungler in LEC, sparks debate as he moves to the Arabian League with Twisted Minds. Fans are torn between excitement and disappointment, debating the potential and the waste of talent in this transfer.


  • Selfmade’s transfer to Twisted Minds divides fans on his career path.
  • Some see the move as a natural progression, while others view it as a decline in a promising career.
  • Comparisons to football’s trends in esports shed light on the evolving landscape of League of Legends competitive scene.

Fan Reactions

Opinions on Selfmade’s move vary widely, with some celebrating the potential of a new superteam while others lament the perceived downgrade in competition. The community is divided on whether this transfer reflects a positive or negative shift in the esports scene.

Local Talent & International Players

The rise of Arabian League teams showcasing local talent alongside international players like Selfmade highlights the global reach of League of Legends esports and the opportunities it presents for players across regions.

Salary Disparity

Discussions around salary differences between Arabian League teams and other ERLs hint at the changing financial landscape in esports, raising questions about sustainability and equality in competitive gaming.

Selfmade’s journey to Twisted Minds demonstrates the dynamic nature of esports, where player transfers can spark both excitement and debate among fans.