FIFA 22 Players Are Stacking Up! Who Has the Most?

Discover how FIFA players are amassing impressive player collections in FIFA 22!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sharing their jaw-dropping player counts in FIFA 22, redditors divulge their staggering player collections. From bronze to 90+ stars, the club’s filling up! Let’s dive into the comments to see who’s reigning supreme in the player count game.


  • Players boasting thousands of cards!
  • Some overwhelmed by the massive count of bronze and silver cards.
  • Discussion on the worth of Bronze Pack Method (BPM).

Dive into the Numbers

Wonders34 is amazed by the 6168 players in their club, while Square-Win1339 humorously questions the presence of ‘fodder’ cards. SpeakEasyHere plans to clear out their 200 90+ players and Senators_1972 reflects on the impact of the BPM.

Varied Collections

HardeepBhachu keeps it modest with 2831 players, Tutis3 declares 1842 for themselves, and Ayyyyylmaos recalls hitting 4k back in December without breaking a sweat.

Speculations and Upgrades

Feddi7 anticipates a high count due to daily upgrades, while others like SpeakEasyHere plan to trim their collection down. The thread captures the diversity and anticipation players have towards their ever-growing clubs.