Gaming News: What Video Game Do Critics Love but Fans Hate?

Discover which video game critics adore but fans despise, and the reasons behind this intriguing disparity.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered which video games critics love while fans just can’t seem to get on board with? User NilesDobbsS posed this interesting question on the gaming subreddit, sparking a lively discussion among gamers.


  • Games acclaimed by critics may not always resonate with the fanbase.
  • Different aspects like story, gameplay, and expectations can lead to varying opinions.
  • Hype and anticipation can skew critics’ reviews, impacting fan reception.

Pathologic: The Unfun Masterpiece

User Faust_8 highlighted Pathologic, a game with a deep story that critics praise despite its unfun gameplay mechanics.

Deathloop Drama

ElPresidente25 mentioned Deathloop, a game that received high ratings from critics but divided fans regarding its appeal.

Starfield vs. StarFans

While Goddess_Ilias simply mentioned Starfield, delloskill pointed out StarFox Adventures and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts as titles that critics loved but fans didn’t.

The Cyberpunk Saga

Apennatie brought up Cyberpunk, a game that faced a stark divide between critics’ acclaim and fans’ disappointment.

These examples show the intriguing dynamics between critical reception and fan appreciation in the gaming world. The disparity between critics’ love and fans’ disdain highlights the diverse perspectives and expectations within the gaming community.