Smite 2: Community Suggestions for Nu Wa Tweaks

Smite players discuss potential tweaks for Nu Wa in the upcoming Smite 2, sharing diverse opinions on her abilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

Smite players are buzzing with excitement as they brainstorm potential changes for Nu Wa in the upcoming Smite 2. From altering her fog mechanics to reworking her passive, the community has a plethora of ideas to enhance Nu Wa’s gameplay.


  • Nu Wa players suggest various tweaks such as speeding up her fog and enhancing her minions’ capabilities.
  • Community members express mixed feelings about Nu Wa’s current kit, with some advocating for significant changes while others find it adequate.

Alterations to Fog and Minions

Many players propose speeding up Nu Wa’s fog ability to slow enemies within it, alongside buffing her minions’ damage output. This would add depth to her kit and increase her overall effectiveness in combat.

Rethinking Passive Abilities

Some suggest revamping Nu Wa’s passive ability to better complement her kit. Ideas range from incorporating a root mechanic to adapting her old passive for a fresh gameplay experience.

Community Feedback on Ultimate

Players have varying opinions on Nu Wa’s ultimate ability, with some calling for a complete overhaul to make it more engaging. Suggestions include toggling the ult for strategic advantages and incorporating new mechanics.

Overall, the Smite community showcases a mix of nostalgia and innovation in their suggestions for Nu Wa’s evolution in Smite 2. From minor tweaks to major reworks, players are eager to see how this beloved character will be revitalized for the next phase of the game.