Tekken Frames: When the Gameplay Takes a Toll on Your Combos

Discover how Tekken players navigate endless strings of frames and mind-bending combos.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are diving into the complexities of infinite frames and long combos that can make or break their gameplay. Join the conversation!


  • Players find themselves drained by endless combos as they climb the ranks.
  • Long matches lead to fatigue and a decrease in enjoyment for some players.
  • The pressure of executing combos correctly adds to the intensity of matches.

King’s Chain Grabs: A Love-Hate Relationship

One user noted, *King’s multiple chain grabs enter the chat*, highlighting the frustration and humor that come with executing these moves.

Bryan’s String: The Accidental Button Press

POV: You accidently press a button in the middle of a Bryan string – a situation many players can relate to.

The Battle of Endless Combos: A Fatigue Saga

“It’s actually kinda killing the enjoyment I have for the game tbh,” – BeefStevenson shared their struggle with the monotony of long combos in high-rank matches.

Rage Arts: Can’t Look Away

This is literally me whenever it comes to Rage Arts. I start checking discord for messages or my work laptop for email. – Yocas described how Rage Arts can be a distracting yet captivating element of gameplay.

Had such a match with Victor a while ago. When I finished sets, I felt legit tired and finished ranked for today. – Maximum_Over_Rustle expressed the exhaustion that can follow intense matches, highlighting the physical toll gameplay can take.

When you guessed wrong once after blocking pressure for half your life span. – ResidentWarning4383 showcased the mental strain players endure during intense moments of gameplay.

Bro would hate umvc3 – CPTW_ threw in a humorous anecdote, bringing a light-hearted touch to the conversation.