Exploring Fun Classes in Last Epoch: A Beginner’s Guide

Discovering the best classes to play in Last Epoch for new ARPG enthusiasts. Dive into the exciting world of character choices!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Last Epoch, players seek advice on choosing fun classes for their first ARPG experience. With a variety of options available, the community offers diverse insights on class selection and gameplay.


  • Experimenting with different classes adds depth to the gameplay experience.
  • Players recommend trying multiple classes to find the one that suits your playstyle.
  • Community members highlight the joy of exploring various class combinations and unique skills.

Playstyle Diversity

Players emphasize the importance of trying out multiple classes in Last Epoch to truly appreciate the gameplay variety. By experimenting with different builds, users can discover the class that resonates most with their preferred playstyle. Whether it’s delving into the intricacies of skill specialization or exploring diverse passive abilities, each class offers a unique journey for players.

Community Advice

Seasoned players with over a hundred hours of gameplay suggest exploring all classes in Last Epoch for a well-rounded experience. By creating multiple characters and focusing on individual skills and passives, players can immerse themselves in the diverse world of ARPG mechanics and strategies, leading to a more fulfilling gaming journey.

Class Recommendations

Enthusiastic recommendations for specific classes like Mage/Runemaster, Rogue/Falconer, and Acolyte/Warlock showcase the creativity and excitement that different class combinations bring to the gameplay. Each class offers a distinct playstyle, from spellcasting versatility to pet-focused strategies, catering to a wide range of player preferences.

Exploring the vast selection of classes in Last Epoch, players can embark on a thrilling adventure filled with dynamic gameplay and engaging challenges. By embracing the diversity of class choices and experimenting with different playstyles, gamers can unfold a rich tapestry of experiences within the realm of ARPGs.