Is Apex Legends Ranked Matchmaking Making Players Happy?

Players discuss the current state of ranked matchmaking in Apex Legends and share their frustrations and opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are voicing their thoughts on the current state of ranked matchmaking in the popular battle royale game. The community is divided over whether the ranked SBMM system this season is working as intended or causing more frustration than fun.


  • Players are experiencing uneven matchmaking, with lower-ranked players facing off against much higher-tier opponents.
  • Some believe past seasons and RP are influencing matchmaking more than skill.
  • The community is split on whether the current system is an improvement over previous seasons.

Players’ Frustrations

One player expressed frustration at being matched with much higher-ranked opponents, leading to unfair matchups and a lack of opportunity to improve.

Another player highlighted the discrepancies in matchmaking, mentioning playing as a Gold player with Bronze teammates against Silver and Bronze opponents.

Ranking System Concerns

Players have criticized the current rank-based matchmaking system, stating that it doesn’t accurately reflect skill levels and leads to imbalanced games.

Some players argue that the matchmaking algorithm may prioritize past season ranks and RP over current performance, resulting in unexpected matchups.

Community Divide

The community is divided on whether the current system is an improvement over previous seasons, with some finding it better for team play but challenging for solo players.

Opinions vary on the impact of the current ranking system, with some players preferring the previous system while others appreciate certain aspects of the new approach.