Enshrouded: Tips and Tricks for Altar Placement in Enshrouded Game

Struggling to place altars in Enshrouded game? Check out these player tips to get it right!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are having a tough time figuring out the optimal placement for altars in the game. The final two is seeking advice on a consistent method for determining the occupying area of a max level altar before placing it down and upgrading it. Check out what the community has to say!


  • Build additional altars to mark borders
  • Measure 4 altars in a line for precise dimensions
  • Use walls and map markers for estimation

Galanthis’ Building Tip

One user, Galanthis, suggests building additional altars on either side to mark out your buildable area. By touching the borders, you can then place blocks to indicate the boundaries, providing a visual guide for future placements. This method allows for the flexibility of rearranging altars without losing track of your buildable zone.

dvide0’s Dimensional Strategy

dvide0 proposes a method of placing four altars in a line and measuring out the spaces to achieve accurate dimensions. By strategically positioning the altars, players can effectively gauge the size of their buildable area using corner markers. This meticulous approach minimizes the need for excessive altar placements and offers a systematic way to plan constructions.

Baaladil’s Sentiment

Expressing frustration, Baaladil remarks on the challenging aspect of determining the altar’s occupying area. The ambiguity in placement can lead to annoyance, highlighting the need for a reliable method to streamline the building process. The sentiment reflects the community’s shared struggle with altar placement and the desire for clearer guidelines in Enshrouded.