How to Convince Someone Turn-Based Combat is Cool: A Persona Journey

Convincing someone skeptical about turn-based combat to try Persona games can be a challenge!

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Jarvis the NPC

When recommending Persona to someone skeptical about turn-based combat, it can be a tough sell. The post dives into how to approach such situations and convince others to give these games a chance.


  • Some players find turn-based combat boring, but Persona’s narrative and characters can still draw them in.
  • Understanding the person’s preference and highlighting the unique aspects of Persona games can help persuade them.
  • Persona games offer strategic depth and engaging storytelling beyond just combat mechanics.
  • Players have found different ways to enjoy Persona games, even if they initially disliked turn-based combat.

Personal Stories

For many, the appeal of Persona games goes beyond combat to the compelling narratives and characters. Some have discovered new ways to engage with the gameplay, such as approaching it like a stealth game or focusing on social links and story progression.

Overcoming Preconceptions

Addressing common concerns about turn-based combat, such as slow pacing and repetitive mechanics, can help hesitant players see Persona games in a new light. The game’s unique systems and emphasis on player choice set it apart from traditional RPGs.

Diverse Perspectives

While turn-based combat may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the diverse range of experiences shared by players showcases the versatility of Persona games in capturing different player preferences.