Destiny 2 Skimmer Design: Love it or Hate it?

Dive into the Destiny 2 subreddit to uncover the polarizing opinions on a new paid skimmer design.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing about a new paid skimmer design that has the community split. What’s all the fuss about?


  • Players divided over the paid skimmer design.
  • Some find it amazing, while others see it as predatory.
  • Questions about the design inspiration and grind impact.

Love at First Sight

Some players can’t get enough of the skimmer’s sleek design and intricate details. They’re ready to splurge on it without a second thought.

Is it a Cash Grab?

Others are calling foul on Bungie, labeling the forced bundle as predatory and a step in the wrong direction for the game.

The Mystery Animal

Players are scratching their heads over the skimmer’s animal-inspired design, leading to humorous debates about its identity.

The Grind Factor

Concerns are rising about how this new skimmer will impact the gameplay experience, with worries that it may overshadow the game’s core content.

Whether you’re onboard with the design or throwing shade at it, the Destiny 2 community is certainly not shy about voicing their opinions. It’s all fun and games until the skimmer hits the battlefield!