Why Riot Needs More White and Black Skins in League of Legends

Why are white and black skins in League of Legends so few? Let's dive into what Redditors think about Riot's skin choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are discussing the lack of white and black-themed skins in Riot’s lineup. Redditor TheBluestMan shared their observation about the popular Sentinels/Crystal Rose skins and expressed curiosity about Riot’s use of these colors. They mentioned a desire for more skin variations that incorporate white and black hues, specifically suggesting a ‘cosmic black’ theme for the future. Other users joined the conversation, offering insights and opinions on this topic.


  • Players crave more diversity in skin themes, including white and black variations.
  • Suggestions for black-themed skins like Cosmic Black are well-received.
  • Concerns about maintaining skin clarity while using white and black colors.
  • Desire for Riot to create unique and visually striking white and black skins.

Cosmic Black Skin Ideas

Caffeine_and_Alcohol highlighted the popularity of the world’s IG skin line and expressed confusion about Riot’s limited production of such skins. Meanwhile, PokPok3000 humorously linked the post to the calligraphy skin line from Wild Rift, adding a touch of sarcasm. SometimesIComplain created buzz by proposing Black Ezreal and White Lucian skins, igniting excitement among the community.

Riot’s Strategy and Player Expectations

Akkeagni chimed in with a personal favorite, Brolaf, applauding Riot for existing noteworthy white-themed skins. Kicin0_0 delved into the complexities of creating black and white skins, emphasizing the importance of maintaining visual clarity, a challenge Riot excels at. MuyLeche echoed the community’s sentiment, praising the Fright Night skins as a standout in skin design inspiration.

Riot’s Current Skin Offerings

General_Secura92 took a critical stance, accusing Riot of overusing the Crystal Rose skins on Wild Rift. The sentiment leans towards a longing for fresh, innovative skin concepts that encompass a broader palette of colors beyond Crystal Rose. The community’s feedback suggests a strong desire for Riot to expand their white and black-themed skin collection with unique and visually captivating designs.