The Best Final Fantasy Game Before the Release of OG FF7: A Reddit Discussion

Which Final Fantasy game was considered the best before the OG FF7 release? The Reddit community shares their thoughts.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to discussing the best Final Fantasy game before the release of the OG FF7, the Reddit community had diverse opinions on the matter, resulting in a lively discussion.


  • FF3/FF6 dominated the conversation as contenders for the best game in the series.
  • Players had varying preferences between FF4 and FF6, with many leaning towards FF6.
  • Some users cited FF4, FF5, and FF6 as top contenders, highlighting the series’ rich history.

Lionheart1827: The FF Series Evolution

Lionheart1827 praised FF3 and FF6 as standout titles, emphasizing their superiority over other entries in the series. The comment reflected a sentiment shared by many fans who see these games as defining Final Fantasy experiences.

Burgergold: From Joke to Serious

Burgergold lightened the mood with a playful mention of Mystic Quest before delving into their admiration for FF4 and its evolution in FF6. The comment juxtaposed humor with genuine appreciation for the series.

StarlightInDarkness: Personal Preference and Order

StarlightInDarkness offered a unique perspective, preferring FF4 over FF6 due to personal experiences and the order in which they played the games. The comment highlighted how individual playthroughs and nostalgic connections can influence one’s favorite title.

Clarkus-Maximus: The Everlasting Appeal of FF6

Clarkus-Maximus succinctly declared FF6 as the best game in the series, showcasing the enduring appeal and impact of this classic title among fans.

As the Reddit discussion unfolded, it became evident that the Final Fantasy community holds diverse views on the best game in the series, with FF3/FF6, FF4, and FF6 emerging as popular choices. Each user’s preference was shaped by personal experiences, gameplay mechanics, and sentimental attachments to the games. Despite varied opinions, the reverence for the earlier Final Fantasy titles and their contribution to the series’ legacy was a common thread connecting the community’s passionate discussions.