Why Fortnite Players Are Up in Arms Over the Mode Selection UI

Fortnite players are frustrated with the mode selection UI - find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are expressing their frustration with the game’s mode selection UI. The struggle to locate the ranked cups has left players feeling lost and irritated.


  • Players struggle to find the ranked cups due to poor UI design
  • Recent changes have made navigation even more challenging
  • Several suggestions have been proposed to improve the user experience

Competition Cups: A Hidden Treasure

One user highlighted that the competition cups are buried under the ‘By Epic’ tab, making it a hassle to locate them. The lack of visibility for such crucial features can be frustrating for players eager to participate in competitive play.

Recent Changes: A Step Backward

Another player lamented the recent shift of the ‘Recently Played’ section to a different tab, creating unnecessary confusion and disrupting the user experience. Finding familiar modes should be effortless, not an arduous task.

Seasonal Struggles: Decoding the UI

Players pointed out the challenges of identifying specific modes like build and zero build due to images changing every season. The dynamic nature of the UI can lead to confusion and hinder quick access to preferred game types.

Community Suggestions: A Cry for Improvement

Many users voiced their opinions on how to enhance the UI, suggesting tabs like ‘Play’ and ‘Discovery’ to streamline the mode selection process. Clear categorization and accessibility are key to ensuring a smooth gaming experience for all players.

Despite the widespread discontent, some players resorted to restarting their game to locate the desired modes, highlighting the lengths they had to go to overcome the UI shortcomings.