Why Does the Dagger Duchess Have So Much HP? – Clash Royale Discussion

Join the Clash Royale community in questioning the strength of the Dagger Duchess. Is she overpowered or just right?

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are in a uproar over the Dagger Duchess’s high HP compared to other troops. One player, Jorda19, pointed out the disparity between the Duchess’s durability and her potential damage output, sparking a heated debate in the community.


  • Players feel the Dagger Duchess is unbalanced due to her high HP.
  • Some suggest that playtesting and adjustments led to this imbalance.
  • Many agree that a nerf or tweaking of her stats is necessary to restore balance to the game.

Players’ Reactions

Netsugake provided insight into the possible reasons for the Duchess’s high HP, mentioning playtesting and subsequent adjustments based on gathered data. Fusiongt021 supported the idea of a nerf, proposing a slower reload time for the Duchess to address her strength.

LilyFan4lyf highlighted the Duchess’s ability to single-handedly handle troops without much support, emphasizing the disparity in elixir cost between deploying troops. Some users, like WesternBusy935, expressed frustration at the imbalance, criticizing those who believe she is balanced.

Other players, such as yahyaelmasrii and FartSmeller24, shared their experiences with the Dagger Duchess’s dominance in battles, underscoring the need for a nerf. Additionally, PowerMiner4200 offered a comparative analysis between the Canoneer and the Duchess, explaining the rationale behind the Duchess’s higher HP.

Future Speculations

Some players, like SirPug_theLast, mused about the potential introduction of a splash damage tower to shake up the meta, while others like jdshirey shared instances where they found the Dagger Duchess manageable despite her high HP.

As the community debates the Dagger Duchess’s HP, it’s clear that opinions are divided on whether she’s overpowered or if adjustments are needed for game balance.