Why Clash Royale Players Can’t Agree on the Mega Knight Skills

Discover the debate around the Mega Knight skill cap in Clash Royale and why opinions vary among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Clash Royale, players can’t seem to agree on whether the Mega Knight truly has the highest skill cap. Some argue it requires precise placement and proper BM skills to master.


  • Some players believe the Mega Knight demands strategic placement and impeccable BM techniques.
  • Others think the Mega Knight is not as high skill-cap as perceived, citing different card interactions.
  • The debate rages on in the Clash Royale community, with varying opinions and experiences fueling the discussion.

Debating Skill Requirement

Player MooshMM praises the Mega Knight, highlighting its complexity: “best person.”

On the contrary, wherearef shares their experience, suggesting the Mega Knight is not as skill-demanding: “I never lost to megaknight expect for situations where another 7 cards hard counters me.”

Clarifying Player Perceptions

Some players, like Seraphic_Sentinel, seek clarity on the notion of the Mega Knight’s skill requirement: “Are you saying MK is a card for high skilled players? Not trying to troll just wondering for clarity.”

The Counterargument

Bennyscrap dismisses the idea of Mega Knight having a high skill cap with a simple, “Haaaahahahahah. No.”

Ultimately, Clash Royale players continue to debate the true skill cap of the Mega Knight, with diverse opinions shaping the ongoing conversation. Whether it’s about precise placement or card interactions, the community remains divided on this contentious topic.