Why are Fortnite pubs harder than ranked? Insights from the Reddit community

Is Fortnite's pubs mode actually harder than ranked? The Reddit community weighs in on the debate, sharing their experiences and theories.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been debating the difficulty level between pubs and ranked modes, and the Reddit community has some interesting insights to offer. User z4ck0r1 kicked off the discussion by questioning why pubs seem more challenging than ranked in terms of skill. This sparked a lively conversation, with players offering various theories and personal anecdotes to explain the disparity.


  • Some players believe that the presence of bots in pubs can throw off your awareness and make encountering real players more difficult.
  • Others argue that many players use pubs as extra practice before competitive events like FNCS, resulting in tougher competition.
  • There is a divide in opinion, with some players finding ranked mode to be more competitive and sweaty, while others describe pubs as a more relaxed environment.
  • A few Redditors attribute the increased difficulty in pubs to smurf accounts and random matchmaking.

Why Pubs are Challenging:

Many players shared their experiences and theories on why Fortnite pubs can feel more challenging than ranked. User Chuomge suggested that the presence of bots in pubs can lower your awareness, leading to a sudden shock when encountering a skilled player. They compared it to the feeling of cold water being poured on you.

User Minimum_Orchid_8979 shared their personal account of effortlessly climbing the ranks in ranked mode only to face fierce competition in a regular BR game. They attributed this to many players training for FNCS and using pubs as extra practice. Their post also included a chilling story of how they and their friends, who consider themselves average players, got wiped by a single skilled kid in a squad game.

Another user, Traditional-Lake-749, disagreed with z4ck0r1’s premise and argued that ranked mode is actually sweatier due to players desperate for kills. They acknowledged that good players also play pubs, but believed that the overall atmosphere in pubs is more relaxed.

One Reddit user, SublimeAtrophy, simply attributed the increased difficulty in pubs to smurfs. These alternate accounts created by skilled players can make pubs feel more challenging as they face off against players with higher skill levels than expected.

Dueling Opinions:

There is a divide in opinions when it comes to comparing the difficulty of Fortnite pubs and ranked. Some players, like CuberBeats, believe that pubs have an abundance of bots, which can deceive players into dropping their guard and lead to their swift elimination.

On the other hand, user duckofmagic shared their suspicions that the introduction of ranked mode in Chapter 4 may have initially made pubs seem more challenging. However, they now attribute the increased difficulty of pubs to the fact that it is the only mode where players can practice with weapons and movement outside of ranked and Team Rumble.

One interesting perspective came from user microsoftdotcom, who described their experience of being matched against highly skilled players despite being in the silver rank. This suggests that pubs matchmaking may be completely random and does not take into account the skill level of players.

Final Thoughts:

The debate between Fortnite pubs and ranked mode difficulty continues, with Reddit users offering a range of theories and experiences. While some attribute the challenge to bots and smurfs, others argue that competition in ranked mode is tougher. Whether you find pubs harder than ranked or vice versa, it’s clear that Fortnite’s playerbase has different experiences and perspectives on the matter.