Granblue Fantasy: Update After 1.3.0 – What Lies Ahead for Relink?

Discover the community's reactions to the final update announcement in Granblue Fantasy Relink and their hopes for future content.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are buzzing with speculation and hopes after the latest update news in Relink.


  • Fans interpret the final update announcement differently, sparking debates on future content.
  • Speculations arise on potential paid DLC following version 1.3.0.
  • Community expresses a mix of support and excitement for possible future updates.

Reinterpretation of the Announcement

Many users, like khazrax, believe that the final update may not be the end, citing the game’s popularity as a potential driver for future updates.

Possibilities of Paid DLC

Players, as seen in comments by ArchAngelAjora and supremefckinkai, are open to the idea of paid DLC for new storylines and features.

Hopes for the Future

Some fans, such as Zestyclose-Sundae593, dream of expansive updates like an open world with all the skydoms and gacha characters included.