Why Apex Legends Players Are Demanding a Duo Ranked Option

Apex Legends players are fed up with random teammates and want a duo ranked mode for better gameplay experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Many Apex Legends players are expressing frustration with random teammates and are calling for a duo ranked option. The thread discusses the challenges faced when playing with strangers in the game.


  • Players are tired of random teammates in ranked games.
  • Demands for a duo ranked mode are escalating.
  • Concerns raised about lack of coordination and strategy with randoms.

Players’ Frustrations

Apex Legends enthusiasts are fed up with unpredictable random teammates disrupting their ranked gameplay experience. They are vocal about the need for a duo ranked mode to enhance coordination and strategy.

Demand for Improved Matchmaking

Users are suggesting input-based matchmaking and better penalties for abandonment to address the issues faced in ranked matches with random players. They believe these changes can significantly improve their gaming experience.

Potential Game Balancing Concerns

Some players acknowledge the concerns raised by Respawn/EA about disrupting the game balance with a duo ranked mode. However, they still express hope that the developers may reconsider this decision for better player engagement.