Fortnite: Waterbending Debate Rages On

Fortnite fans discuss the controversial waterbending abilities, sparking a heated debate about its strength and impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are engaged in a passionate discussion about the perceived overpowered nature of waterbending in the game. Some argue for its removal or nerf, while others defend its inclusion.


  • Community divided on waterbending’s power
  • Different perspectives: skill vs. item strength
  • Controversy over impact on game balance

Waterbending: The Power Play

Embarrassed-Talk7979 questions the decision to buff waterbending before the Avatar event and expresses frustration over its strength, especially in the context of the game’s balance.

A Matter of Perspective

LunaticAtol966 highlights the devastating damage potential of waterbending, offering insight into why some players find it overpowered in certain situations.

Redefining Meta

ZeroBedtimes suggests that skilled players will excel regardless of the weapons used, indicating that individual skill plays a significant role in gameplay outcomes.

Going Mythic

Choastical expresses fondness for most mythic items in the current season but singles out waterbending as an exception, signaling a divide among fans regarding its desirability.