Warzone Ranked: Looking for Fast but Conservative Players with Mics on PS5

Join this Warzone team for a combination of speed and strategy. PS5 players needed!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking for a competitive Warzone team on PS5? Check out this Reddit post for players who play a fast but conservative style.


  • Players seek ranked teammates with a balance of speed and strategy.
  • Community divided on the effectiveness of a fast yet cautious playstyle.
  • PS5 players expressing interest and sharing their ranks in response.

Positive Engagement

Many players appreciate the blend of speed and caution in gameplay. User ‘Lumpy_Republic_2709’ finds common ground with the poster, highlighting his diamond 2 ranking and similar playstyle.

Humorous Interactions

‘WarLordJr’ adds a touch of humor by suggesting, ‘Put a cap on your deodorant.’ Light-hearted banter amidst the serious search for teammates adds a fun element to the post.

Differing Opinions

‘This_is_Me888’ expresses skepticism about low-level players aiming for high ranks, adding an element of doubt to the discussion. The community seems divided on the effectiveness of the posted playstyle.

Team invites and positive feedback underscore the friendly and engaging nature of the Warzone community. Whether fast and cautious gaming is the winning formula remains up for debate.