The Impact of S.B.M.M on Variety in Call of Duty Multiplayer – What Players Really Think

Does skill-based matchmaking in Call of Duty ruin the variety and fun for players? Find out what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty players are conflicted over the impact of S.B.M.M on the variety and enjoyment of multiplayer matches. The debate continues to rage on among the community.


  • S.B.M.M may be removing the variety and excitement that players once enjoyed in Call of Duty matches.
  • Players feel that strict matchmaking leads to predictability and uniformity in gameplay.
  • Some players hope for a return to more diverse lobbies and playstyles, as seen in previous Call of Duty titles.

Verity in Multiplayer

The concept of verity, or variety, is essential in keeping the gameplay experience fresh and engaging for Call of Duty players. Many users argue that skill-based matchmaking has eroded this verity by creating lobbies where everyone is at a similar skill level. The lack of diverse playstyles and tactics makes matches feel repetitive and uninspiring, according to several comments.

The Impact of S.B.M.M

Players express frustration over the impact of S.B.M.M on their gaming experience. The strict matchmaking system has led to games feeling predictable and monotonous, with each match blending into the next. Some users long for the days of more varied lobbies, where facing off against a mix of opponents of different skill levels added an element of surprise and excitement to each match.

Hope for Change

Despite the ongoing debate, many players remain hopeful that future Call of Duty titles, such as XDefiant, will offer a shift away from rigid skill-based matchmaking. The prospect of returning to a more dynamic multiplayer environment where players can encounter a range of playstyles and strategies excites the community, emphasizing the importance of variety in keeping the game engaging and enjoyable.

Ultimately, the discussion surrounding S.B.M.M in Call of Duty reflects the diverse preferences and priorities of players within the community. While some appreciate the competitive nature of strict matchmaking, others long for a return to the variety and spontaneity that characterized earlier titles. As the debate continues, it’s clear that the impact of S.B.M.M on the player experience is a topic that will remain contested among Call of Duty enthusiasts.