Warzone – Investigating the Mysterious Aimbot Incident

Join the Warzone community in uncovering the truth behind a suspicious aimbot encounter!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players were left puzzled by a possible aimbot sighting in a lobby where cross-play was turned off. What really happened?


  • Players speculate on a possible aimbot case in Warzone.
  • Confusion arises due to kill cam bugs and player movements.
  • Community members debate whether the incident was intentional cheating or a technical glitch.

The Kill Cam Conundrum

Many users pointed out that the kill cam appeared glitchy, with the player teleporting erratically, leading to misconceptions of cheating.

Was It Edited or Just a Bug?

Some suggested that the footage could have been edited, while others defended the player, explaining the anomalies as glitches in the system.

Console Cheating Conspiracy

A user raised concerns about console cheats like Cronus, stirring up suspicions of aimbot tactics even on consoles.

Despite various opinions, the Warzone community remains divided on the true nature of the incident, with some leaning towards technical glitches and others hinting at foul play.