Exploring Ferry Buffs in Granblue Fantasy: A Community Discussion

Join the Granblue Fantasy community's debate on recent Ferry buffs and how they impact gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players have been buzzing about the recent buffs to Ferry in version 1.2.1. The community is divided on whether these changes have made a significant impact on her playstyle. Let’s dive into the discussion to see where players stand.


  • The buffs to Ferry in 1.2.1 have left players questioning the effectiveness of her playstyle
  • Despite the buffs, many players still find jump spam to be the most optimal way to play Ferry
  • Some players have switched to other characters like Tweyen due to concerns about Ferry’s suboptimal damage output

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IAreTadpole pointed out that while jump spam may be the most effective, playing for fun and enjoyment should take priority over optimization. They hope that Ferry’s intended playstyle will be enhanced in future updates to make it more competitive.

hikkidol mentioned the specific damage cap buffs Ferry received in 1.2.1 but still believes that her playstyle is lacking compared to jump spam. They feel that more significant changes are needed for Ferry to be considered a viable option.

trentbat emphasized that despite the buffs, jump attack + slam remains the top choice for optimal DPS, overshadowing Ferry’s revised playstyle.

FamiliarArtichoke shared their experience as a former Ferry main, advising players to consider switching characters like Tweyen for better DPS and overall gameplay experience. They criticized the 1.2 buffs as ineffective in addressing Ferry’s issues.

Erthan-1 noted that jump spam may have been nerfed in a previous update, further complicating the discussion around Ferry’s optimal playstyle.

Players in the Granblue Fantasy community continue to discuss Ferry’s buffs and how they impact her viability in different gameplay scenarios. The debate between optimization and enjoyment remains at the forefront, with players weighing the benefits of sticking with Ferry or exploring other character options for a more rewarding experience.