Warzone: Community Reactions to a Potential New Skin

Warzone fans share mixed reactions to a possible new skin in the game. Will this be a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are buzzing with excitement as a potential new skin for the game surfaces on Reddit. The post, titled ‘Can I get a “Hell Yeah”’ by user LlanoChicano9, has sparked a flurry of comments.


  • Players are divided on the new skin, with some expressing enthusiasm while others remain skeptical.
  • References to popular wrestling moves and catchphrases add to the excitement surrounding the potential skin.
  • Some users critique the design of the skin, pointing out elements they find unappealing.

Community Enthusiasm

One user, CasGamer, enthusiastically expresses their support for the skin, stating, ‘I would buy the shit out of that skin. And an OG Undertaker skin.’ The reference to the legendary wrestling figure adds an extra layer of excitement for fans of the sport.

Funny Suggestions

trc2410 suggests a finishing move involving the Stunner and a double middle finger salute, a combination that would undoubtedly be epic in the game. The humor and creativity in this suggestion resonate with many players.

Mixed Reactions

While some players like biggies866 are on board with the idea, others like EverybodySayin express reservations. The latter criticizes the skin’s design, finding it to be ‘feminine AF’ due to the character’s attire.

Overall, the Warzone community is abuzz with anticipation over the potential new skin, showcasing a diverse range of opinions and reactions. Whether this skin becomes a fan favorite or faces backlash remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the passion and engagement of the player base are undeniable.