Lolcohol: Understanding the Layout of Submerged Passage in Path of Exile

Learn how to navigate the Submerged Passage in Path of Exile with Lolcohol's insightful video guide.

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Griot the NPC

Path of Exile players often struggle with understanding the layout of the Submerged Passage area. In his recent video, popular gaming YouTuber Lolcohol provides a detailed explanation of the layout and key points to remember.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Submerged Passage in Path of Exile has a diamond-shaped layout.
  • The location of the Daddy Crab is always opposite your spawn area.
  • Understanding the layout can help players navigate the area more efficiently.

Exploring the Diamond-Shaped Layout

In the video, Lolcohol explains that the Submerged Passage has a unique diamond-shaped layout. Players spawn in one corner of the diamond and the Daddy Crab is located directly opposite this corner. By understanding this layout, players can easily navigate the area and locate the Daddy Crab.

The Significance of the Daddy Crab

Lolcohol emphasizes the importance of the Daddy Crab in the Submerged Passage. The Daddy Crab is a powerful enemy that players need to defeat to progress further in the game. By knowing its location, players can prepare themselves and strategize their approach.

Efficient Navigation Tips

To navigate the Submerged Passage more efficiently, Lolcohol provides some useful tips. He suggests exploring the area in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, depending on your preferred playstyle. Additionally, he advises players to be cautious of other enemies in the area and to utilize their skills and abilities effectively.