Valorant: When Trying a New Champ Just Clicks – Reddit Discussions

Discover how trying a new agent in Valorant can completely change your game! Dive into Reddit discussions on finding the perfect fit.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players share their stories of trying new agents and experiencing game-changing moments. Whether it’s stepping out of your comfort zone or finding a better match for your playstyle, exploring different champions can lead to exciting gameplay shifts. Let’s delve into their experiences!


  • Exploring new agents can unlock hidden potentials and improve gameplay.
  • Finding the right match for your playstyle can lead to significant performance boosts.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone can result in exciting gameplay shifts.

Valorant Players Find Their Perfect Match

Valorant players discuss how trying a new agent completely changed their game experience. For some, like HopelessRomantix1020, experimenting with Jett improved their KDA, showcasing the impact of exploring different playstyles.

Discovering New Playstyles

Players like fxmldr highlight the importance of not limiting oneself to familiar agents. Trying out Sova, for instance, revealed new gameplay possibilities and strengths previously overlooked.

Embracing Change

Reformedwageslave’s journey with Omen illustrates the transformative power of adapting to different champions. Embracing Omen’s unique abilities led to a more fulfilling gaming experience and improved performance.

Merging Controller and Duelist Styles

For Individual-Fan-5672, finding a champion like Clove merged their preferred playstyles, resulting in consistent top fragging performances and a greater sense of impact on the game.

Bringing Fresh Challenges

RTGold’s experience with Phoenix highlights the excitement of mastering new agents and the challenges of bringing them into competitive play. Each champion offers fresh possibilities for growth and skill development.