Valorant Rank Distribution: Episode 6 Act 2 – How to Improve and Rank up?

Learn where you belong in the hierarchy and how you can climb up the ladder.

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Hamza Bakht

Key Takeaways

  • Valorant’s Ranking System is divided into 9 tiers with 3 sub-tiers each except the highest tier reserved for the top 500 players.
  • With the current Valorant rank distribution, the majority of players in are distributed in the Gold and Silver ranks.
  • If you want to get out of your current rank, follow our guides specifically catered for each rank.
  • Some general tips from the players who climb the most consistently are, keeping a positive mental and avoiding solo play.
  • If the ranked grind is getting too hectic or fatiguing, take a break and come back when you’re feeling better!

With the Valorant competitive queue for Episode 6: Act 2 ending, here is a detailed list of Valorant rank distribution. With it, you can see how you fare against the millions of other players. Furthermore, our general and specific rank-up guides will help you rank up and get out of your hardstuck Elo in no time. 

To find fellow Balorant players and compete in tournaments, download the Z league app and use our LFG feature to build your own community.

For more specific rank-up tips curated to your particular rank, check out the following guides:

  • How To Rank Up In Iron
  • How To Rank Up In Bronze
  • How To Rank Up In Silver
  • How To Rank Up In Gold
  • How To Rank Up In Platinum

Now, without further ado, let’s start with the current rank distribution in Valorant and the best tips to improve in the game.

Valorant Rank Distribution

The Valorant rank distribution is divided into nine ranks, with the first 8 having three tiers. In contrast, the highest rank, Radiant, has a single tier for the top 500 players on any region’s leaderboard. Most of the players lie in low to middle ranks, with Silvers and Golds forming the major chunks of the player base. Check out the complete Valorant rank distribution below.

RankPercentage of PlayersTop Percentage of All Players
Iron 10.6%99.8%
Iron 22.1%99.2%
Iron 35.0%97.1%
Bronze 15.7%92.1%
Bronze 26.7%86.4%
Bronze 36.9%79.7%
Silver 18.2%72.8%
Silver 27.7%64.6%
Silver 37.6%56.9%
Gold 17.4%49.3%
Gold 26.6%41.9%
Gold 36.0%35.3%
Platinum 15.7%29.3%
Platinum 24.8%23.6%
Platinum 34.2%18.8%
Diamond 13.9%14.6%
Diamond 23.1%10.7%
Diamond 32.4%7.6%
Ascendant 11.9%5.2%
Ascendant 21.3%3.3%
Ascendant 30.9%2.0%
Immortal 10.8%1.1%
Immortal 20.2%0.3%
Immortal 30.1%0.1%

You can see it here in a graphical form to get a better idea of how players are distributed across ranks in Valorant.

Valorant Rank Distribution Episode 6 Act 2

How To Rank Up In Valorant? – General Tips

Here are some more general tips to rank up in Valorant.

Valorant Diamond Rank Up

Since Valorant is a competitive game with a high skill ceiling, ranking up may require effort and commitment. Depending upon your previous experience with FPS games, it can pose a serious challenge. That said, with enough determination, practice, and proper guidance, you can surpass your rank in no time. Following the best rank-up tips that generally apply to every elo.

Keep a Positive Mental Attitude

Your performance in the ranked games depends on many factors, with a major one being your mental attitude. A lot of people perform well in unrated modes but struggle to frag out or have any kind of impact in competitive matches due to their mental approach toward the game. 

Keep in mind that at the end of the day, Valorant is just a videogame, and unless you’re aiming to go pro, you shouldn’t fuss about losing your ranked games.

Avoid Solo Queue

Whatever rank you’re in, solo queuing can be a huge gamble. Unfortunately, despite having a relatively chill community, you’re bound to find trolls in your ranked game who are either boosted or purposefully feeding the enemy team to throw your games.

Rather than being toxic to your underperforming teammates, it’s better to play in a 2, 3, or 5-stack with teammates who are on the same grind with similar skill levels. That’ll certainly make the games feel easier and more fun.

Take a Break When Needed

Taking a break from Valorant from time to time is highly recommended, especially when you’re on a losing streak. Many people keep ego queueing after losing a couple of ranked games, causing them to be frustrated and toxic in their games while de-ranking in the process. 

If you see yourself constantly having a hard time during your games, either completely take 1 or 2 days off of Valorant or queue some unrated games with your friends to chill out and relax.

That’s it for our general tips section for how to rank up in Valorant. Be sure to check out our Valorant character tier list.